अरुण चौधरी पुत्र श्री ऋषिपाल सिंह
पता- ग्राम व पत्रालय- बिजौली (अलीगढ़)
अनुक्रमांक - 1240229141
549 /600
Vivekanand was established on 1987 in Barauli Road Chharra, Aligarh which occupies two campus covering lush green play ground with modern sports facilities.
देश में सर्वश्रेष्ठ के समान “गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा” प्रदान करने के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा और समुदाय के साथ प्रभावी इंटरफेस बनाएं।
The main aim of the institution is to free the students from book burden and to provide educational in playfull & creative ways to develop an all round personality.
The mission of Vivekanand. Inter College is to provide students with a challenging learning environment focused on math, science, and technology, to inspire joy at the prospect…
Vivekanand Inter College Curriculum not only provides importance to academics, physical education and visual aids but also integrates them in a planned manner. The students…
We help today’s students to grow into tomorrow’s exceptional citizens. Small wonder then, that in a short span of time, the school has come to be recognized as an institution of repute.
I feel privileged and honoured to be the Barauli Road Chharra, Aligarh. It is a college rich in tradition and excellence handed down to us through the dedication and vision of our predecessors. The college has educated generations of students since its inception in 1987.
The mission and vision of our college is to provide an education that enable students to be developed as skilled, sensitive and aware individuals. All academic and developmental activities are performed in a friendly and conducive environment. Our dedicated and enthusiastic teaching faculty and staff always focus on the holistic development of every student. We encourage inter disciplinary learning along with a large number of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities since we believe that an integrated participation in sports, performing arts, cultural and literary activities contribute immensely to the intellectual growth of a students.
Years, months, weeks, go by children leave our protective nest,new ones are welcomed into our fold.Years filled with promises, dreams achieved, lives enriched.There are many miles to go, challenges to be met, dark forests to be entered.
At Vivekanand Inter College, Aligarh we all walk hand in hand- Staff & students, together knowing that the hand of God is there to guide us and we will win against all odds.
When we look back, it is with a sense of fulfillment, achievement and pride. Every member associated with the school has done what they set out to do. Year after year the school has carved a special niche for itself not only in Aligarh
The college has a spacious library which is well ventilated and well illuminated for reading purpose, library has more than 500 titles of various subjects.
We believe in overall development of the students, and to achieve this goal facilities for outdoor and indoor games like cricket, volley ball, basket ball tennis, badminton etc.
Vivekanand Inter College has a quite spacious class rooms. It is airy and well-ventilated. It has four ceiling fans in it which are sufficient for all the students.
A school bus is a vehicle, which may be privately or publicly owned that transports children to and from the school. Parents should take into consideration the benefits of having their children ride the school bus.
Never give up my son/daughter. You have the full ability to do any work perfectly. So keep working hard and follow your dream.
You are the person who can change the world. You have a big responsibility to make the world better. I know you can do this very well. All the best my dear student.
As a student the most important thing to remember is that Laziness is your worst enemy and Hard Work is your best friend.
Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.